Act of Insanity – ip07

episode 07 heads back to the show roots with a carefully selected set of demoscene greatness.

  • algar_-_ninja_on_speed.xm – algar (4 Channels – 52kb)
  • act_of_impulse.ahx – Stig Frydenlund (4 Channels – 15kb)
  • El_Valle_de_Mariquitas.sid – franz_koopa (PAL 6581)
  • kings.xm – Jaakko Kaitaniemi (20 Channels 64kb)
  • beautiful_insanity.xm – disease (4 Channels 38kb)
  • related_memories.xm – edZeS & auricom (20 Channels 89kb)

download the files –> impulseproject07.tar.gz

hosts: @dokidokipanic @ruiner9

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